Digimon Adventure 02: The Beginning - Plot
In February 2012, a giant Digi-Egg appears over Tokyo, sending a message wishing for everyone on Earth to have a Digimon friend. The Adventure 02 DigiDestined, including Davis and Ken, rescue a young man named Lui Ohwada from Tokyo Tower. Lui claims to be the world's first DigiDestined and asks them to help destroy the Digi-Egg.When Davis and Ken try to attack the egg, they and their Digimon are accidentally transported back to 1996. They see a younger Lui discovering a Digi-Egg and dealing with an abusive family. Lui later learns that the Digi-Egg hatched into Ukkomon, a Digimon that granted wishes. Ukkomon made Lui’s life better but also created many DigiDestined who faced dangerous battles. Upset by the chaos, Lui confronted Ukkomon, who gave him a new eye before disappearing.
Back in the present, the giant Digi-Egg transforms into a huge Ukkomon, which plans to give every person a Digimon, causing global turmoil. The DigiDestined worry that stopping Ukkomon might disrupt their own connections with their Digimon. They realize their bonds are genuine and decide to help Lui. Lui confronts Ukkomon and makes peace with his past issues. After a fierce battle, Imperialdramon Fighter Mode defeats the giant Ukkomon, turning it into a small Digi-Egg. This leads to the disappearance of Digivices around the world, showing that Digimon and humans can connect without them.
In the post-credits scene, Lui’s Digi-Egg starts to hatch, hinting at future developments. The story wraps up with the DigiDestined and Lui moving forward, and a new Digitama appearing in the sky, signaling the start of another adventure.